Pregnant Job Seekers: Tips to Consider

Pregnant Job Seekers – Finding a job can be quite difficult for people with normal condition. However, it will be more difficult for the pregnant job seekers. The government actually already established the law which forbids the employers to discriminate the pregnant women during job interview process. However, in the practice, there are some employers who still discriminate the pregnant women. You might want to read these reviews to know some aspects when you are thinking of applying the job during your pregnancy.

The first aspect to consider is when you are looking for the job. For the women who are in up to 8 months pregnancy, you are not recommended to look for job. You might find the job once the baby is born. During this period, you should focus to grow your personal brand. You can improve your personal skills and also build relationships. By doing this, you will be able to increase the opportunity to get hired as soon as possible after your baby is born. It is also important for you to get rest since you will have so much work after delivering the baby.

easy pregnant job seekers pregnant job seekers: tips to consider

Pregnant Job Seekers Rules

If the pregnant job seekers are in 5 to 8 months, you might want to find the short-term job. It will be better if this short-term job is able to lead to longer-term work later. The short-term job will allow you to work comfortable during your pregnancy. The employer will not be a problem for the employer to hire you. However, if you are pregnant job seekers in 0-5 months pregnancy, it is possible for you to find a job like normal women. During the job interview, you should not volunteer any information, but you should not try to hide your pregnancy. According to many women, hiding the pregnancy will not bring any good since it haunts them.

There are some rules related to the pregnant job seekers in the United States and other Western countries. According to the current rule, it is forbidden for the companies to discriminate against the pregnancy job seekers. It is also not a must for these pregnant women to inform about their pregnancy. In some countries, it is only a must if the fact is important aspect for the job position. An example of the job is the security guard. Even so, it is important thing for the pregnant employees to give the notification about their pregnancy when they have entered the 5th pregnancy month.

According to many career coaches and legal experts, it is recommended for pregnant job seekers to inform their pregnancy to the potential employers. However, you can reveal the pregnancy after you are hired. However, if the pregnancy is already visible, it will be the best solution if you acknowledge the pregnancy during the job interview. The National Association of Working Women, Ellen Bravo, gives the pregnancy job seekers advice whether they should mention the pregnancy and hope it will not be a problem.

During the interview, the pregnant job seekers have to emphasize the attachment to the company than the maternity leave. The employers actually do not worry about the pregnancy but their employees who stop working. You should tell the employers about your interest in the company. When you inform the information to the employers, it is important for you to use the vocabulary which is used by the organization related to the family leave policies. You might want to consider planning the statement before going to the interview. Some experts recommend you to emphasize that the pregnancy is something unusual where it does not happen every year. You may also state that you have the future plan before sharing the plan. Some employers are respecting the pregnant job seekers and offer themselves to work in the adjusted work hours.

It is recommended for the pregnant job seekers to focus on presenting their skills and abilities. You might point out some reasons why the employers should hire you in their company. You should make a plan about the child care and return to work after delivering the baby. Inform the plan to your employee and tell that you have the intention to return to work after the maternity leave. It is important for you to present that you are reliable when you are returning to work. To present your skills and abilities, you should share experience from your previous job.

Before applying certain job, you are recommended to read the job descriptions carefully. It is not recommended for you to apply for job which you cannot perform. It is including the job which is involving the frequent air travel. Pregnant will not be able to perform this job. Pregnant job seekers also need to eliminate the job which is exposed to the chemicals or radiation. It is a normal thing for the employers to disqualify you when you cannot perform the job.

Pregnant job seekers are recommended to do some researches on their website before applying the job. It is more recommended for you to choose the companies which are friendly to the family. It is even possible for you to find the company which has on-site day care and other benefits for mothers.

You should remember that it is not important for you to reveal the pregnancy status during the interview process. Washington Post stated that you are judged according to your qualifications while the pregnancy status is irrelevant. However, if your pregnancy is already visible, you might not have another option.

Pregnant job seekers will be interested in the maternity leave or family leave topic. You might ask about this topic during the interviews whether the company offers the maternity leave or family leave. It is also recommended for you to find out when the employee is eligible to get those benefits.

You should not underestimate some effects which are caused by the pregnancy. Pregnant job seekers need to build the rest stops when they are submitting the job application. Prevent yourself to get too tired since it is common thing for pregnant women to get tired. It is important for pregnant job seekers to submit the applications where the schedule interviews are in the afternoon. The main reason is because pregnant women might experience the morning sickness.


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  • Images:

Article publié pour la première fois le 21/09/2015