Forbidden Homework For Pregnant Women

When the pregnancy came to your life, there are many things to consider until the time of childbirth. One of them is works and home appliances should be avoided during pregnancy. The following are four things you should switch to someone else in order to keep the health and comfort of your pregnancy.

1. Moving Household Furnishings

After the first trimesters, moving heavy objects and household items can cause injury to the back. Get someone else to move it. But if you have to do it and can not wait, make sure you bend your knees when lifting objects with keeping your back straight. You can also wear a special belt to support the pregnancy.

2. Cleaning the Cat Feces

Toxoplasma parasites may be one that is carried by cats. Cat feces can be one of the media transmit of  Toxoplasma to humans. If you are infected during pregnancy, then you can transmit the disease to the baby, which can lead to defects in the baby’s eyes and brain damage. But if you have to clean the cat feces, wear rubber gloves.

3. Using Insect Repellent Spray

Based on the results of the research as outlined in the Journal of Pediatrics, found that pregnant women who inhale piperonyl butoxide can be harmful to the mental development of the fetus. Therefore, choose an insect repellent that is not sprayed into the air. For example, mosquito racket or flies adhesive plaster.

4. House paint / Varnish Furniture

Several research shows a relationship between products containing chemicals in paint solvents. wood and furniture upholstery and furniture color exfoliating can cause birth defects and miscarriage. Avoid to revamp the house paint, or varnish on the furniture during pregnancy. Even if forced to paint the baby’s room, do not eat anything during the painting process.

Doing homework is the usual requirement of a housewife. But for pregnant women , there are several restrictions in doing household work. Because the effect would be very dangerous for mother and the baby. Clearly if the pregnancy would be cause big problems. Therefore, for pregnant women, this would be a pretty serious restrictions.

Forbidden Homework For Pregnant Women
Forbidden Homework For Pregnant Women


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Article publié pour la première fois le 18/08/2015