Resignation Letter after Maternity Leave

Resignation Letter after Maternity Leave – After maternity leave or after giving birth, some women employees will decide not to return to work and they even decide to really leave the work and start focusing on their family and the baby, but when you decide to leave, you should prepare your resignation letter seriously. You should know how to handle the resignation letter after maternity leave sensitively and diplomatically at the same time and you should also think what the right reasons to write there. It is a bit difficult to arrange the words, but there are some tips and ideas here that may be followed well by you when your decision is already fixed.

There is nothing wrong with the decision not to return to your previous job after your maternity leave and decide to start considering writing a resignation letter after maternity leave since you think it is the best decision so the situation can be handled carefully. Of course, it will be fun to be a mother and you may want to take your time not at work anymore but to be with your baby. Whatever the reasons you have, it should be made sure that you can maintain a positive relationship with your employer so you yourself have no burdens.

To write resignation letter after maternity leave, it is better to arrange a meeting with your line manager and start discussing all of the options for your returning to work after maternity leave. The options you have must also be considered carefully and make sure that you are already certain that none of these options provide a viable solution allowing you to return to work so the work and life balance you want can be achieved. If you still decide to be off work and you won’t return to your work, make sure a meeting is arranged with your boss face to face so your decision can be known by them.

Wording for Resignation Letter After Maternity Leave

When meeting with your bosses, make sure you are honest when you express your feelings in how you can with them and stress how difficult a decision it has been for you because it must be hard to not return to a fun workplace like you have experienced. Make an explanation that the decision made by you is based on the way you want your family life to shape up and this is hard for you to make this kind of decision. How much you are going to miss working with your employer and the intellectual stimulation that the role provided by you can also be stressed.

After the meeting is over, your resignation letter after maternity leave can be followed up and make sure you also do a telephone call so that your line manager has received your resignation letter can be made sure. In case more about your financial rights are going to be found out by you following your resignation after maternity leave, lots of useful information for UK based parents will be provided by the Working Families website.

Here are some tips and ideas you may follow related to resignation letter after maternity leave. It is a hard decision but you are great to make this kind of decision. Hopefully, you can still maintain a good relationship with your employers and also co-workers.


Article publié pour la première fois le 28/08/2015